
TipCam 2.2

Image TipCam 2.2
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  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows XP

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  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Record everything you do on your desk"

Thanks to the existence of programs such as TipCam, recording tutorials becomes a very simple task.

This application records everything that takes place on your screen. Thus, its possibilities are not only summarized in the creation of tutorials, but also in recording games of video games or Skype video calls, among many other options.

Its recording in a certain area of the screen is something rudimentary, although in full screen excellent results are obtained in all senses, being able to edit the result a posteriori with any program that you wish.

TipCam creates both FLV and AVI files, which can be played back in virtually any video player. As an add-on, you can upload the result directly to the Internet from the program's interface.